The End Times – 5 Dr. Roger G. Ford, Ph.D., P.E.
The “End Times” – 5 A Look into the Immediate Future Dr. Roger G. Ford, Ph.D., P.E. May 2018 Introduction Why does God give us prophecies in the Bible of things yet to happen? The simple answer is to show us that He has a plan for all of mankind that restores our fellowship […]
The End Times – Part 4 Dr. Roger G. Ford, Ph.D., P.E.
The “End Times” – 4 A Look into the Immediate Future Dr. Roger G. Ford, Ph.D., P.E. April 2018 Introduction You have heard me say that I expect the Rapture any day! The reason? Number one would be we get to be with Jesus our Lord! The second would be the Jews will get […]
The End Times – 3 Dr. Roger G. Ford, Ph.D., P.E.
The “End Times” – 3 A Look into the Immediate Future Dr. Roger G. Ford, Ph.D., P.E. April 2018 Introduction Last time, we began our look at Old Testament End Times prophecies beginning at the very start of the Bible. We learned about dispensations or time periods when God allowed man to assume certain […]
End Times – 2 Dr. Roger G. Ford, Ph.D., P.E.
The “End Times” – 2 A Look into the Immediate Future Dr. Roger G. Ford, Ph.D., P.E. April 2018 Introduction We started out last time asking the question, “Just what is meant by the ‘End Times’?” The end of what? Well, to be frank, the end of life as we know it. The end […]
The End Times – 1 – Dr. Roger G. Ford, Ph.D., P.E.
The “End Times” – 1 A Look into the Immediate Future Dr. Roger G. Ford, Ph.D., P.E. March/April 2018 Introduction The “End Times”. Just what are the “End Times”? The term actually comes from the Bible. The “Time of the End”, the “Last Days”, the “Latter Days”, the “Day of the Lord” all sound […]